Join us for a CE Watch Party - Snow Retention for Low-Slope Roofs

Hello Reader,

You know how low-slope roofs are supposed to be snow magnets?

Well, turns out it's not that simple.

We've got a lot more to learn.

This February, the A-Team is inviting you to crash our watch party.

We're diving into 'Snow Retention for Low-Slope Roofs', a rad course brought to us by AIBD CEP - Ron Blank & Associates, on behalf of Anchor Products.

A watch party isn't just about kicking back and having fun (although there's plenty of that).

It's about creating a space where we can learn from each other, spark discussions, and apply what we've learned in real-world scenarios.

The best part?

You can earn your continuing education credits without shelling out for individual courses.

AIBD's got you covered, and it's on the house.

For those seeking AIA CEs, they are available as well.

The only requirement is passing the 10-question quiz, which we'll lead you to.

So mark your calendars for Tuesday, February 27, at 2:00 pm ET.

Let's shake up the usual self-study routine and make earning those continuing education requirements a bit more bearable, and a lot more fun.

Head over to, right now to register.

Catch you then,
The A-Team

P.S. - Give us a heads-up if you're coming (i.e., register), and we'll shoot over reminders so you won't miss out.

Can't make it?

No sweat. We'll send you a link so you can catch the video whenever you want.


American Institute of Building Design (AIBD)

The American Institute of Building Design (AIBD) is a professional association that promotes the highest standards of excellence in residential building design. AIBD offers a variety of resources to its members, including continuing education, networking opportunities, and marketing assistance. AIBD is a valuable resource for anyone interested in a career in residential building design. If you want to improve your skills, network with other professionals, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends, AIBD is the perfect organization for you.

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