Join Us for December's Coffee With Bernie on Networking & Collaboration

Hello Reader,

Are you looking to enhance your networking skills and collaborate more effectively in our industry?

We have an exciting opportunity for you to gain valuable insights and connect with like-minded professionals.

Join us for a roundtable discussion on networking and collaboration!

During this engaging session, we will explore the importance and benefits of networking and collaboration in our industry.

You will have the chance to share your experiences, learn from others, and generate innovative ideas and solutions for the challenges we face in building relationships with industry professionals.

Details of the event:

Why should you attend?

  1. Expand your professional network: Building relationships with industry professionals is key to success. This roundtable discussion will provide a platform for you to connect with peers, exchange ideas, and forge valuable connections that can open doors to new opportunities.
  2. Learn effective networking strategies: Discover proven strategies and techniques for effective networking. Hear from experienced professionals who have mastered the art of building meaningful relationships, and gain insights that will help you take your networking skills to the next level.
  3. Collaborate for success: Collaboration is the cornerstone of successful projects. By participating in this discussion, you will gain valuable insights into collaborating with architects, contractors, and suppliers. Learn from real-life success stories and discover how to overcome challenges encountered during collaboration.
  4. Maximize the benefits of industry events: Attending industry-related events and conferences can be a game-changer for your professional growth. In this roundtable, we will discuss the benefits of attending such events and share experiences of the most impactful events attended by participants. You will leave with practical tips on making the most out of industry gatherings.
  5. Contribute to a productive conversation: Your voice matters! This roundtable discussion is an opportunity for you to contribute your unique experiences, ideas, and perspectives. By actively participating, you will help shape the conversation and foster a collaborative and enriching environment for all attendees.

We believe that your presence and active participation will greatly contribute to the success of this roundtable discussion.

Your experiences and insights will not only benefit you but also inspire and empower others in our industry.

Mark your calendar!

See you there!
-the A(IBD)-Team

P.S. Feel free to invite colleagues and friends interested in enhancing their design skills.

This event is designed for home designers, architects, and builders, but anyone interested in the topic will find valuable insights.

Connect with industry experts, learn from their experiences, and expand your network.

American Institute of Building Design (AIBD)

The American Institute of Building Design (AIBD) is a professional association that promotes the highest standards of excellence in residential building design. AIBD offers a variety of resources to its members, including continuing education, networking opportunities, and marketing assistance. AIBD is a valuable resource for anyone interested in a career in residential building design. If you want to improve your skills, network with other professionals, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends, AIBD is the perfect organization for you.

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